The 15:17 to Paris, an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
In a career spanning over twice my age, Clint Eastwood has made himself a name as a star actor, director and producer, but when watching The 15:17 To Paris, it's kinda hard to digest that the man at the helm of this film is the same as the one that gave Hollywood some of its most enduring gems like The Bridges Of Madison County and Million Dollar Baby.
The idea behind this movie is right. The story is alright, too. But you know what they say - good intentions alone do not a good film make. Perhaps someone needed to remind the veteran director of that very same adage. has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about The 15:17 to Paris, and then also see all user reviews for The 15:17 to Paris!