The Lego Movie (3D), an English movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
When you open a box of LEGOs, you have two options. You either stick to the instructions, and make something orderly and perfect. Or, you toss the same instructions into the dustbin, and create something awesome. That's the supreme battle in what is easily the best animated movie this year so far, and we'll eat our shoes if that's not so by the end of the year.
It isn't just that the combination of stop-motion and CGI is so mind-bendingly perfect, or the astonishing attention to detail, or the tongue-firmly-in-cheek humour, or the insane music or the insane-er plot, or any of t.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about The Lego Movie (3D), and then also see all user reviews for The Lego Movie (3D)!