Van Helsing (Hindi), a Hindi movie, is not currently screening in any theatres in Hyderabad.
Van Helsing is the sort of film you have to be in the mood for to enjoy. It's supremely brainless, cringingly corny and a great popcorn flick. Horror and comedy have always worked well together, but we're not sure the director meant for this movie to be quite so hilarious. Not that it matters, though.
A hodge-podge of monster movies past, Van Helsing doesn't horrify as much as it startles. Here it relies on good old-fashioned techniques like sudden loud sounds, evil cackles and oozing reptilian grotesqueness, to shake and repel you. And it's not lacking in the booty department e.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Van Helsing (Hindi), and then also see all user reviews for Van Helsing (Hindi)!