Debutant director-writer Sripal Sama's coolly titled film, "How's That For A Monday?", takes us through an extraordinary day in the life of Shyam Kumar (Kaushik Ghantasala), an Indian techie navigating life in the US. Waking up on that fateful Monday, he never could have imagined his day would revolve around counterfeit bills and Olympic medals. That by mid-morning he would be fired from his job, and be pawning his gold chain to settle his credit card debt, all on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, no less.
"It's bad luck to let go of your gold today," his desi girlfriend wa.... has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about How is that for a Monday?, and then also see all user reviews for How is that for a Monday?!