Law And Order has one credo that rises from the absence of an element that, if
present, would have qualified this movie for some extraordinary uses (none of
which I can think of right now). In case you haven't understood, this movie doesn't
have a single song in it! But of course, this is to be expected of almost all
of Sai Kumar's movies.
The problem here is, along with the absence of songs, the flick shares almost all the other features found in this guy's movies. All brawn (read paunch), high helium composition (in case the baddie's jaw is out of reach) and the ability to recuperate from comas in seconds to fight again. We ain't talking about zeppelins or superheroes here (I said that just to avoid lawsuits)! Who was it that said that the one who runs away lives to fight another day?
Let's analyze the fights in this movie (that should take care of the story too). The first scene shows the hero Surya (guess who) rising out of a 7-year long coma and beating up ten guys armed to the moustaches (couldn't quite see their teeth). Nothing like a fight to brace you! Next scene: hero shown in flashback rescuing a busload of people and winning a medal from the government. Next: hero seen bashing up twenty hatchet-wielding tough guys with paunches bigger than the hero.
Here the director runs out of ideas, and so enter Chhota (Ashish Vidyarthi), big... er, not-so-big, bad guy from Mumbai. This Mumbhai is fashion conscious, and wears enough jewelry to sink the Titanic. This guy comes into the corporate spirit and goes for empire-expansion. And guess who he runs into?
Good guy, meet Bad guy. Bad guy, meet Good guy. Wham, bam, excuse me ma'am... er, sir... er, whatever. The movie's over, guys! But this review ain't. There is still a lot of angst left over here!
Straightened by online policy, I am left sans vocabulary, and so cannot do justice to this movie (not that anyone else did). With three guys taking care of the stunts and fights, the director went on a holiday. The cameraman must be currently undergoing treatment for vertigo. And with bullets ricocheting all over the place, I guess most of the credits must have been posthumous.
According to this movie, the world must be divided into three categories. The
good guys, the bad guys, and the suckers watching them kill each other! And just
in case I am asked where I belong, I'm outta here!