An excellent comedy! For all its supposed horror, this one will do nothing
but make you laugh. It is a common fact that most B-grade horror flicks are
viewed for one reason only - nudity. The rest is just nonsense, and the monsters
are nothing but figments of childish imagination. These murderous creatures
wouldn't scare a kid. One has seen cartoons that are scarier than these idiotic
creatures. The very name Khooni Panja (murderous fist) is enough to crack you
up. As for the horror, it is non-existent.
Ajit, a rich businessman, is having an affair, and one fine day is caught red-handed
by his wife. Unable to take the heat, Ajit and his mistress kill the innocent
wife and bury her in the graveyard. Her dying words are that she will come back
to avenge her death. If you are wondering where you have heard this before,
hey, it's common to every other horror film.
Time flies, and, amazingly, nobody suspects that Ajit's wife is missing. Everything
is running smoothly till a group of young girls in tight uniforms decides to
play volleyball near a graveyard (why there?!), and, as fate would have it,
the ball lands in the yard. A young girl Pinki decides to retrieve it. The languishing
soul of the innocent wife possesses our dear Pinki, who happens to be Ajit's
younger brother Ajay's fiancée (how convenient).
Not only does it make her kill the ones who wronged her, it also makes her wear
the flimsiest of garments and perform erotic dances. But when the soul is driven
away by a tantrik, a comically distorted monster emerges and haunts Ajit. Ajay
fights it valiantly and chops it into pieces but the only surviving body part
- the fist - drags Ajit into the netherworld. And since the title is justified,
the story ends.
If this film is scary, then I'm the Prince of Gwalior.