This one can hardly be called a movie, though the posters claim it is one. It is more or less a documentary. But if it is a documentary, it is indeed a strange one. Made in 1981 in Kerala, the film deals with cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. As there was no sign of AIDS then, mention of it is omitted in the movie. Basically, it is a documentary showing doctors examining and treating patients.
The first half of the movie has a droning monologue, accompanying the video, with a doctor showing medical students the various forms of cancer in women. The examinations are shown in great detail, pleasantly surprising the audience. But the vivid details get a little disgusting, especially when it comes to the disfigurements. Then the focus moves on to sexually transmitted diseases.
Here the director exploits the situation by bringing in some actors with supposed diseases like syphillis and gonoarrhea, and making them recount their sexual misadventures, which led to their present state. Their accounts are in the form of flashbacks. Surprisingly the censors, who let the most graphic picturization of private parts go untouched in the earlier scenes, come into action here, snipping away at the details of these accounts.
The movie is a rather hotch-potch affair with some documentary type clips and some other parts resembling the soft porn, B-grade movies. At times boring, and most of the times disgusting, the movie is definitely one you wouldn't like to see for sex-education. If you do, it'll put you off sex for the rest of your life.