Here at last is a movie that confuses just about everyone, the director of the film included. No one in the movie, or in the theatre, knows what is going on. The movie is set in a communist governed country. The main character is a doctor, unlucky enough to be photographed in a public parade, with a woman who suddenly strips for no apparent reason at all.
Noting the stripping to be a sign of dissidence, the woman is put in an asylum. And the doctor is persecuted for being seen alongside the streaker. He loses his job, and his fiancé calls off their engagement. All along his friend, who works as a nurse with him, sticks by him.
The story meanders around with no apparent purpose and the very sight of the doctor gets irritating. Finally, after dragging the movie for an hour, the director gives up and ends it in the most stupid manner possible - the doctor and the nurse both stripping in public.
The only people who could possibly give up before the director are the audience. The majority of the audience, who came anticipating an uninhibited display of flesh, was disappointed, as there were cuts in some of the scenes. The predominant emotion was, "Cuts in an 'A' certified movie?!"