Going by the market trends you'd expect a decent enough musical entertainer from
the acclaimed producer R B Choudary. And from Tarun you'd look forward to a sizzling
sentimental love story. What you get instead is a silly sentimental drama that
seems to be made solely to capitalize on the popularity of Tarun.
The premise is interesting. A shy girl Sandhya (Sneha) falls in love with a happy-go-lucky
guy Ganesh (Tarun), the son of a junkyard dealer, whose only pastime is marrying
off teenage couples who fall in love, much to the chagrin of their parents. Unable
to let her love known to Ganesh, she asks her sister, Sirisha (Preeti), to convey
her intentions to Ganesh. But the jealous sister would rather have Ganesh for
The film starts off on a good note with Ganesh finding a diary in one of the junk
cupboards and starting to read it. And he is shocked by the blow-by-blow account
of Sandhya's love story and her harboring intentions of marrying him. So far so
good, you'd be tempted to say. Actually, not very. There is no spark in the narration,
and the director uses very cut and dry methods that aren't in the least moving.
Ganesh also develops a soft corner for Sandhya, and spurns the love of Sirisha.
And fearing that she too might end up with a similar fate, Sandhya keeps her love
to herself. Meanwhile, her father is transferred to Vizag and the confiding in
the diary comes to an end. But the hero decides to give a fillip to the love story
and goes in search of Sandhya, to Vizag.
Except for the idea the diary from which the movie unfolds, there is nothing novel
about the film. As the movie progresses the plot falls by the wayside and traditional
Tollywood tricks are churned out to make you laugh or feel sorry for the heroine
or the hero. It gets more and more silly as we enter the second half of the film,
and by the climax it all seems so cliched and contrived that you want to walk
out of the theater.
The age-old story of unknown persons, in this case Sivaji and Tarun, becoming
the best of friends while the latter is on the voyage to discover his girlfriend
and her getting engaged to the former is too stupid to even think of in this Internet
age. But that is how the film is, though a couple of songs are good and shot well.
Apart from that there is hardly anything in the movie that would make it a worthwhile
visit to the theater.