Bonnie and Clyde, the infamous psychotic American couple, are the inspiration
for this motion picture. The actual name of this movie is Predita Durango
- it's been changed to Wild Couple to attract the Hyderabadi crowds,
and it worked. The cinema hall was almost full. Excessive violence and depravity
are omnipresent. And yes, so is porn.
All those interested in the story, please excuse this explanation, because
it took me a whole hour after the show to figure it out and I'll never be sure
if I got it right. Predita (Rosie Perez, of White Men Can't Jump fame)
is a woman who likes violence and violent men. Romero Delarosa is a violent
criminal and fanatical believer in the occult. The two meet, cupid strikes,
and we have a wild couple and wild copulation.
Ramero needs to sacrifice a virgin to be safe from all evil and Predita loves
the idea (what a perfect couple!). So off they go, kidnap two young lovers,
rape them (now didn't he need a virgin?) and prepare them for the sacrifice.
Ramero's cousin (where he came from is a mystery) offers him a job: to deliver
a truckload of DEAD EMBRYOS (God, save our souls!) to Las Vegas. He promises
to do it after he appeases the Gods. The sacrifice is interrupted by Ramero's
enemies (more violence and gore and no prizes for guessing who wins).
During all this mayhem, the kidnapped couple actually starts liking their kidnappers.
So Predita sets them free out of the kindness of her heart. A misunderstanding
between the cousins leads to Ramero's death and is avenged by Predita. The final
scene shows Predita in tears mourning for her love. If the director seriously
expected the audience to sympathize with her, he'd better consult a psychiatrist.
Technically, the movie is sound. The director attempts to focus on too many
subjects and hence fails miserably. Rosie Perez tries her best to portray a
psycho but just does not have it in her. Javier Bardem, on the other hand, is
excellent in his role and gives the movie some respectability. If you like loads
of brutal violence and sex (and love solving puzzles), this movie is worth a