Taking the work of a classic horror film maker, renaming it, and packaging
it as a soft porn movie... It really is a disgrace. Vandalism, in fact. This film
is actually a Wes Craven movie, the sequel to the movie The Hills Have Eyes, The Hills Have Eyes II.
A well-made movie that falls into the genre of movies like "Friday, the 13th",
"Scream", and "Nightmare on Elm Street", but one that will go unnoticed because
of the way it is being marketed in this city.
The original movie had a family on a vacation straying into the deserts of
Texas. They are attacked by a family of cannibals living in the mountains. Most
of them are killed, but one of the cannibal family, Rachel (Janus Blythe), helps the family,
and so a couple of them manage to escape. Rachel accompanies them back to civilization.
The sequel traces the survivors of that horrible incident. Bobby (Robert Houston), one of the
survivors, is still haunted by those memories. He has invented a new fuel, which
has to be tested in a motorbike race. A group of youngsters, including two of
the racers, is going to travel to the venue. The route goes through the deserts.
Bobby, scared out of his wits by memories, can't summon the courage to make
the trip. So Rachel, who knows the route, volunteers. The group, with four guys
and four girls, starts off on the trip in a big red bus.
The group includes Roy (Kevin Spirtas) and Harry (Peter Frechette) - the racers - with their girlfriends, Cass (Tamara Stafford),
a blind girl, and Jane (Colleen Riley). Nick, his girlfriend Sue (Penny Johnson), Jack and Rachel form the rest of the group. As they pass through the
desert they realize that they are going to be late. So to reach their destination
they take a short cut across the desert. But they forget the fact that the hills
have eyes.
The bus breaks down and they are forced to take refuge at an abandoned shack
in the middle of the desert. Then the reign of terror starts as two cannibals
who did not die in the first incident in the desert (one of them being Rachel's
brother), start killing all the people one by one.
The movie is well shot, with the suspense maintained well. There is plenty
of blood and gore for those who like it, but the movie is treated with the seriousness
due to a horror movie, and is not reduced to a farce. It has got plenty of scenes
that can give you a delicious scare. Wes Craven has indeed delivered again.