Meanwhile, in the mind of the writer, the interminable debate between the irascible devil and the sanctimonious angel:
Angel: Now, wasn't that a nice movie! Such a nice story and all...
Devil: Pity - I've seen it a hundred and one times already.
Angel: Okay, it's not exactly a new story. The good old "illegitimate son returning to claim father's love" plot. But then, it's well executed. After the Trishul way of looking at it, it's nice to look at it from the funny perspective.
Devil: Funny is right. Especially the part where Salman starts singing ("Naahi fax, naahi Xerox, naahi telex, naa computer ki floppy... Mai to mere papa ki carbon copy!" Ting Tong! This song is sponsored by BPL, Modi and Amkette - and now, back to the conversation).
Angel: The lyrics were a little strange there. But aren't Amisha and Salman a nice pair? And she looked so good in the songs!
Devil: She didn't get much of a chance to look anything in the rest of the movie. She looked hot in that scene where I thought she was shivering with cold. Figured out later that she was actually trying to look sad.
Angel (hurriedly): Rishi Kapoor did well as the dad. He did well to portray the confusion and helplessness of a man who suddenly finds he has one more son.
Devil: That part is right. He kept a straight face in spite of all of Salman's crazy antics. But if you think of it, if someone found out he had a son like Salman, the reaction would be much more acute... hee hee hee!
Angel (almost in desperation): Well, Rati Agnihotri and Rinkie Khanna fit well into the roles of Rishi Kapoor's wife and daughter respectively. Also, Kader Khan looks dignified as the family patriarch.
Devil: Rati Agnihotri was okay. Kader Khan, I'd rather not comment. But Rinkie Khanna? Was she in the movie?
Angel (a little coldly): I guess you didn't like the action either.
Devil: I loved it. Especially the way Sanjay Dutt and Sharad Kapoor are brought in exclusively for the fights. Sanjay, to beat up, and Sharad, to get beaten up.
Angel (with one arched eyebrow): And the direction?
Devil: Good ol' David Dhawan. I couldn't say anything against him! Let the poor chap continue thinking he is funny.
(Haughty exit by Angel. Devil stops to light a fag.)
Devil (pointing after Angel): He must be part of that inexplicable phenomenon called the Salman Khan fan club. (Exits)
Task two: Write about the movie... still processing...
Indefeasible Ion 30th Jul 2002, 5:32am | Permalink
Great innovative review, except that it is hard to keep track of who is who. Also please cut short the verbosity and focus on slickness. There is no point in trying to prove that you got 800 in GRE Verbal. I too got it.