He, She... Ladies, Gents... Men, Women... Streelu, Purushulu... Ammayilu Abbayilu... If you thought the title sounds like the boards at a loo, you are right. And if you are expecting a 'comedy' with toilet humor, you are darned right again.
Repulsive, revolting, repugnant and positively obnoxious are four words that I can think offhand to describe this film. Okay, appalling and dreadful too maybe, on second thoughts. Some films are bad, and some are in bad taste. This one's a hybrid between the two genres. So it's official now. With this flick, the Telugu film industry has really hit rock bottom.

Going by the antics in the movie, it has been presumed it was made with the intention of showcasing it as a comedy. Let us warn you that humor (???) in the movie comprises scenes like a puny guy trying to impress girls by padding his bums so that he looks hot and desirable; an undersized, obese man and his bid to impress his tall, gigantic wife; a huge, buxom and eternally randy woman who can't enough if it from her hubby and her attempts to get it from the puny guy; this guy's attempts to shave off a crop of hair from his chest; a dog on heat that always chases him etc. 'Sick' is an understatement here.
Meanwhile, the romance (???) in the movie comprises scenes like a listless girl's attempts to express her love for the neighborhood guy. Since there are no reasons assigned to why this dame should love this dude, we presume it's because she thinks he has the sexiest inoculation marks on his arms in this part of the city. Then we have the dumb dude (okay, he looks good, but that's no consolation) and his attempts to avoid girls and their propositions; another svelte, slim and eternally randy girl and her attempts to spend the last day of her virginity with the aforementioned dumb dude etc. Ridiculous is an understatement here.
Then there are some random insertions of a witch's attempt to make the scrawny guy fall in love with her, a Dad who beats up his son for no reason, and another weird Dad who feeds his son with a vague concoction so he grows tall and strong. Ludicrous, perhaps, is the right word here.
Throughout, the film - no 'a bunch of celluloid roles' would be a better description - seeks the help of toilet humor to get by. Every sentence is loaded with sexual innuendos (and in real bad taste) and every scene with semi-naked women, and every line is packed with raunchy words.
No self-respecting actor or actress would ever want to be associated with a movie like this. So mentioning the names of the cast would be doing disservice to them. But just to give you an idea, the cast is just a few clowns short of a circus.
There are about five duets (the dumb guy and the dumber gal) and each one with a different theme and special them (phew!) In one 'happy' song, the two are dressed as astronauts, in another they are wrapped in gauze and bandages. In one sad song, they have green tears. Ok now, stop laughing. It wasn't just funny while I was watching it.
It will take us another 10 good films for viewers to recover from horrendous fare like this one. Hmmm, that means you have to wait a lifetime to get over Ammayilu Abbayilu.