Into the equal opportunity world of Tollywood steps in another young man who worked extremely hard to be born to the right person, and is finally reaping the rewards. Despite all the obstacles that came his way such as the lack of any acting skills whatsoever, the lack of any heroic build whatsoever and the lack of any charisma whatsoever, he makes it into the big league. We at are extremely glad whenever we see success stories like this. They give an important message to all those waiting outside the studios - to just be born of the right sperm the next time around.
Hai is mostly a film that can be narrated in the span of an All-Out commercial. It also has as much of a story as an All-Out commercial. Since we have to fill our 500 words, however, we'll take our time elaborating it.
Aryan Rajesh (Aryan Rajesh) returns from America after finishing his MBA, and starts doing what he's best at - roaming about with his friends. Enter Priya (Nikita) with a dive into a pool that unfortunately has water, thereby prolonging the movie. Then according to the Rule 142 of the Telugu Filmmaking Manual, they first meet in a mall. FLASH, FLASH and another blinding FLASH, and he's in love with her (can't help it... needed for Rule 143 compliance!).
The hero and heroine enter a billiards bar... and it's Bim Bam Bim Biff Ouch!!! The guy who was ogling at the heroine is flat, and so is the heroine. But when they propose to the father of the heroine (Prakash Raj), he objects, giving the usual yadda yadda about failures of love. He then throws up a novel challenge to the lovers - and believe me, when I say novel, it is NOVEL. Any resemblance to Ek Dooje Ke Liye or its copy Nuvve Nenu strictly means you've been watching too many movies.
The challenge is that he will send them both to a foreign country for a month, and after coming back if they are still in love, he will get them married. Then Twist, Sob-Sob, Twist, another Twist and yet another Sob-Sob, and the hero and heroine get married. The End. It is a happy ending in the true sense; everyone is happy that it's ended.
Aryan Rajesh causes you a to develop a new respect for that doyen among actors, Uday Kiran. If there was any concept like anti-matter in this universe, then Aryan is perfect anti-matter for Arnold... he has absolutely no physique at all! The heroine, with fingers fatter than those of Narasimha Naidu, seems more macho than the hero himself. There are some good scores from Koti, which is the only thing prompting me to give this movie a rating far better than what it deserves.
Recommendation? Oh, YES! I recommend this movie to all the M-type people - M as in S&M. Because every single scene save for some good sceneries will urge you to slide off your chair and smash your skull into the floor, and I bet you will enjoy it better that way.