One just can't resist asking, "Which one is the dog?" The only hint that Thriller
Manju is playing an ACP and not the dog is that the dog of the movie is quite
dignified. Anyway, sorry for having brought this up and offending the canine race.
The story starts off with a girl Rekha causing trouble for a roughneck Ajay Verma who gets someone else to write an exam for him. Ajay Verma gets back at her by knocking off her dad and mom, conking her boyfriend on the noggin and teasing her dog. He rounds it off by carrying her away. The boyfriend conveniently passes off into a coma, and her granddad is left to agitate the cops into action.
After three months he manages to corner ACP Agni (Thriller Manju) with the help of Deputy Collector Siddhartha (Vinod Kumar) and the DC's sister Bhavani. The ACP has so far been picking his nose while the criminals have been roaming around scot-free. He provides an explanation for this using a convoluted flashback that has his wife getting killed, and like the fire-fearing burnt child, he stops crime-fighting in order to keep his daughter safe.
But these people manage to enthuse him, and the guy launches off into an orgy of undercover work, hand-to-hand combat and dialogue delivery. The dog Rocky, a cute Golden Retriever, helps them all along, chasing down criminals escaping in 1500 cc vehicles, digging out corpses and standing in as incriminating evidence. He barks all the way having a gala time, especially when he is incorporated as part of police third degree, where he is allowed to take choice bites off the bad guy.
All the good guys and dogs get together and uncover a network of interconnected scams among which are:
1. Girls being kidnapped and used in blue films,
2. Them getting murdered after they have served their purpose, and their organs being sold,
3. HP gas cylinder piracy, and
4. Feeding politicians with the green stuff.
We could go on, but we are sure you have got the gist by now. By the end of the flick, the villains are beaten up and bitten off separately for each crime, and what's left of them is locked up. And for once, it's just not in me to say 'All's well that ends well'.
There isn't a single redeeming factor and the movie is totally intolerable. You may just be able to sit through the scenes where the dog's there if you like dogs so much, but with Thriller Manju to contend with, that's not advisable. The actors seemed to have been told it's an open house, and act accordingly. The technical points are used almost exclusively for highlighting the fights.
The movie has an amazing byline: "Sometimes... Man fears... But dog dares!" Put
a dog in a movie and hundreds of men will watch it. Put Thriller Manju in a movie
- will a single dog watch it?